VALITETTAVASTI TILAISUUS ON PERUTTU!! ALBERTO CAIRO ON SAIRASTUNUT, EIKÄ PÄÄSE MATKUSTAMAAN SUOMEEN. Pahoittelemme tapahtunutta! T. Ulla Järvi(Tiedetoimittajat) ja Nina Porra (SJL), 13.5.2018.
VISUAL TRUMPERY: HOW CHARTS LIE — AND HOW THEY MAKE US SMARTER -otsikolla esiintyy Helsingin yliopiston Tiedekulmassa maanantaina 14.5. Miamin yliopiston professori Alberto Cairo. Kaikille avoin tilaisuus alkaa klo 17 ja kestää puolitoista tuntia. Cairo saapuu Suomeen Journalistiliiton kutsumana, ja mukana tämän yleisötilaisuuden järjestämisessä on myös Tiedetoimittajain liitto.
With facts and truth increasingly under assault, many interest groups have enlisted charts—graphs, maps, diagrams, etc.—to support all manner of spin. Because digital images are inherently shareable and can quickly amplify messages, sifting through the visual information and misinformation is an important skill for any citizen. The use of graphs, charts, maps and infographics to explore data and communicate science to the public has become more and more popular. However, this rise in popularity has not been accompanied by an increasing awareness of the rules that should guide the design of these visualizations.
This thought-provoking talk teaches you principles to become a more critical and better informed reader of charts.
Author, journalist and instructor Alberto Cairo is Professor of Professional Practice and Knight Chair in Visual Journalism at the University of Miami.
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